Mobilized in 2024, Yaroslav is serving with the 25th Airborne.
He's a young handy-man that loves to create and build things. Naturally, a drone pilot was the perfect position for such a technically minded person. Unfortunately, a strike hit his unit shortly after his arrival and destroyed almost all the equipment and supplies he had. Escaping in only the shorts and slippers he was sleeping in, Yaroslav is still serving and is now our adopted drone pilot.
You'll never see Yaro far from his tools.
A true master of "adapting to overcome" you'll find him making the absolute BEST use of everything he has to meet his mission's needs.
We can help Yaroslav and the freedom fighters in his unit by providing them with any sort of non-lethal support. In this way, we can make sure they have everything they need to keep doing what they do.
Highlights of the work we've done with Yaroslav so far.
It's important that we protect those who are protecting us. What better way than a body armor delivery to our freedom fighter!
Direct to Donetsk, we got Yaroslav and the 25th Airborne their Christmas care package!
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